What's the Most Powerful Equations in Business & Life?

In my recent blog, What To Do When Life Throws You a Curveball, I talked about a major life event. It was and is major…and manageable. 

We all experience events and experiences that are unexpected. I have recently and chances are so have you. 

This reminded me one of the most powerful equations in business (and life).

I first came across Jack Canfield’s famous equation E + R = O seven years ago, when my chiropractor Dr. Leif Olson gave me The Success Principles. At that time I didn’t appreciate it like I do now.

As far as I’m concerned, it is one of the most powerful and correct equation in business and life. Why? Let me break down the equation for you.

E = Event -- We all have events or experiences. Each day we have big events, small events, good experiences, bad experiences, normal experiences, and unpredicted experiences. Each day, each moment we are having them

In 12 short years of marriage, my wife and I have had many experiences and events. We’ve had job loss, health problems, a child with cancer, marital woes, extreme medical debt, world travels, influx and depletion of wealth, scuba diving, flying a plane, met the top apologists and influencers of my life, and so on.

Those events good, bad, big, small, etc. are real and have impact. But ultimately they do not determine the future.

R = Response -- It is our responses to our events that makes the difference. Your kid has cancer, what do you do? Do you give up? Do you fight? 

Your spouse says, “I want a divorce.” What do you do? Do you say, “It’s not worth the fight”? Or do you say “No way, Babe. This is a covenant. Till death do us part.” 

Your job disappears or you miss the promotion. Do crawl on your couch and give up? Or do you maximize your experience, skills, abilities, and behaviors and turn your passion into purpose?

The best option is to maximize your R to catalyze growth and progress to a greater outcome.

“Nat, that’s a lot easier said than done.” 

You’re right. If it were easy, the world and our lives would be a lot easier, but not necessarily better. 

James, the half-brother of Jesus said, "When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing" (James 1:2-4). 

The trials - the experiences of your life are there to see how you respond and to help you grow. If you lean into the trial and respond well, the impact is apparent. The result is growth and a better outcome.

Growth doesn't just happen. The desired outcomes don't just happen. You don't drift towards growth. You don't coast towards your goals. You must prepare and then execute. 

O = Outcomes -- Want better outcomes? Choose better responses. Ask yourself what kind out outcome or result do you really want? Seriously …ask, because you may not know. Most people I encounter don’t know who they are, why they are here and what they really want.
Prepare for the events of your life (mental, emotional, spiritual, relationships). Just like a boxer who trains for a fight, you too must be prepared with laser like focus for when life happens.

E+R=O. Master the (R)esponse and watch your desired (O)utcome come true
Question: What events are plaguing your life right now that you need to maximize your response? How are you preparing for the events?


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