4 Reasons You Need a Band of Brothers and Sisters

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” ~ Randy Pausch

We all face roadblocks. We all face obstacles that get in the way for what we are called to do. You’d think knowing this would help. And in a way it does. But when they show up, we still don’t like it.

Do you have a roadblock right now? Are you going to let it stop you? You don’t have to.

There are many formulas for success. Many strategies to complete your goal. But one ingredient to achieve success, you need a band of brothers and sisters. Success in these regards is ambiguous. It could be marital, financial, entrepreneurial, organizational or something else.

Here are three reasons why you need to have that

Accountability. A band is loaded with accountability. Accountability means each person gets his or her part done to achieve success. It means the usual “check-in” is consistent so things get done on time and in the right way. When things aren’t up to standards, there is no shame. Instead, loving correction and encouragement.

Only the truest and most authentic of friends and band will provide this type of accountability. If your band isn’t doing this, they’re no band at all.

Commonality. What is this commonality build upon? It is the commonality of core values and mission. It is the common bond of desires, wills, goals, experiences, and more.

About 9 years ago, my wife and I joined a “young married without kids” group at our church. The growth we experienced that year was tremendous. I know a large part was having a common bond with these couples. We realized we were facing the same obstacles (and same opportunities). It was freeing.

Share-ability. In a band, you get to speak into the lives of others. No person has all the answers, nor an exhaustive compendium of experiences. Each person brings a unique perspective that can dramatically impact your own view of the world and how you approach it.

Grow-ability. When you’re in a band, you’ll grow. You’ll grow yourself and each other. You’ll grow your business, your relationships, your emotions, your resources and more.

Please note, this growth doesn’t just happen. Yes, it comes with the package of a band of brothers and sisters, but not without intentionality. Your band will ensure you not only place a high priority on attaining your goals, but also growing through them.

I don’t know what a band of brothers and sisters looks like for you, but you need to find them. Some people think of them as a mastermind group or a board of directors. Regardless of what you call, create yours today.

Question: Who is in your band? How’d you create this group? What has been the result?


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