Countering a Distortion: Christianity as Intellectual Suicide

A friend shared this article with me and I could relate. I think at times, Christians, as well as other faiths, have felt the need to silence questions and doubts.  This cannot go on. We have minds designed by God to think, question, and answer.

Take the time and read Douglas Groothuis' article below:

Countering a Distortion: Christianity as Intellectual Suicide

The following is an excerpt from Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith (InterVarsity Press, 2011).

Some refuse to give Christianity the time of day because they deem it anti-intellectual---a religion that values ignorance and credulity far above critical intelligence. In a book on how to leave one's religion behind, Lauren Winnell writes of a young man named Sandy who was in her "religious recovery support group," who lost his faith in college through an encounter with an anti-intellectual pastor. The young man was experiencing doubts as a result of what he was exposed to in college. Instead of addressing these questions head-on, the pastor kept changing the subject. One day, when pressed by the young man, the pastor replied, "Sandy, it's about time we call this what it is---sin." The young man left the church and Christianity, being unwilling to follow "a religion that made thinking a sin."

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