
Showing posts from September, 2019

Objections to the Moral Law

In the previous blog , we finished answering the question: Does morality point to God? The answer was "yes." However, even with the moral argument being sound,  t here are two common objections when it comes to an objective moral law.  Here they are: The first objection is morals are simply relative to the individual. Some people call this ethical subjectivism. We typically refer to it as moral relativism. You could say it’s the belief that whatever a person thinks, feels, desires is right. Rightness is relative to the individual. It’s subjective. But if this were true, no one could ever be wrong about his or her moral views. So no one could claim that Adolph Hitler’s racism and his murdering of 6 million people was wrong. It was just simply his preference and no one should put up a fuss about it. It’s all relative. The Parkland shootings wouldn’t be wrong, because it was the shooter’s preference. He felt it was right to attack and kill those kids and teacher...

Does Morality Point to God? Part 2

In the last blog , we looked briefly at the moral law for God's existence. If you didn't read it, check it out.   Now, I’d like to propose 3 reasons why we know the moral law actually exists. Reason #1: We react like we have one. Think about it. There is something inside of us that tells us when certain things are good or bad. If you turn on the news and you see that a 2 year old boy was found locked up in a cage covered in cuts and bruises and malnourished, immediately you’d react with sadness, anger, and desire for justice. You didn’t force that reaction. It naturally occurs. If you hear about a young woman who was walking home from work and she was raped and beaten, you naturally get a knot in your stomach and hope the rapist was caught and justice was served. You hear about a mass shooting and you say to yourself “That is horrible. Innocent lives taken in cold blood. That’s wrong! This reaction happens naturally. Here’s the reality, it doesn’t matte...

Does Morality Point to God? Part 1

Does God exist? If so, how can one know? Can you be sure?  For centuries, there have been several popular arguments for God's existence. We looked at two of these in previous blogs.   The first line of evidence which we looked at was the  teleological argument . It is the case for design. We looked at two premises: Every design has a designer. The universe displays highly complex design. Therefore our conclusion was that the universe has a designer. Read the full blog  here .  The second line of evidence for God’s existence was called the  cosmologic alargument.  Simply put, the cosmological argument is the argument for causation. In other words, every effect must have a cause. We look at two premises: Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore our conclusion was that the universe has a cause.  Read the full blog  here .  By the end of the two blogs that we can be MEGA SURE...