Can You Trust the Bible? - Part 2

Two weeks ago I began dealing with the validity and authenticity of the Scriptures. We discovered it is by far the most reliable ancient texts! This week we will look at it light of historical reliability.

There are references in the New Testament to supposed historical people, such as Pontius Pilate, Caesar Augustus, Gallio, and so on. There's also references to places, such as the Sea of Galilee, Jericho, etc. There are also references to moments in time, such as the Roman census, droughts, the crucifixion of Jesus, etc. Take Luke 1:5, "In the time of Herod king of Judea" or Luke 3:1, "In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar- when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene-." He gives us checks to back up his Gospel.

Proof in Archaeology

The People

Pontius Pilate - In the last century archaeology has given us many items that back up the stories in the Bible. For years people argued that Pontius Pilate, the govern of Judea during Christ's death and resurrection, ever existed. Josephus and the Roman historian Tacitus mentioned Pilate in their ancient writings. In 1961 a stone was discovered in ancient Caesarea Maritima. It read "Pontius Pilate, the Prefect of Judea, has dedicated to the people of Caesarea a temple in honor to Tiberius."

James - A pretty cool discovery occurred in 2002. In Jerusalem a limestone burial box once containing the body of James, the brother of Jesus was found. On the it reads in Aramaic, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Time magazine stated it was the "most important discovery in the history of New Testament archaeology." All time testing and inscription testing confirm its authenticity.

Caiaphas - In 1990 during a road construction in Jerusalem, one of the heavy construction pieces broke a roof of a burial tomb. Inside the tomb was a burial box. On the box was written, "Joseph Caiaphas." Caiaphas was the high priest who ruled over one of Christ's trials.

The Events

The Census - For years people argued against the census found in Luke 2:1, "In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world." But archaeologists found papyrus dating to first centuries B.C. and A.D containing such records. It has been discovered that the census was carried out every 14 years. This stirred up problems since
Quirinus was governor in A.D. 6. Thanks to Archaeologist Sir William Ramsay we have an answer. He discovered Quirinius was governor two times. There was also a coin discovered with Quirinius' name as proconsul of Syria and Cilicia from 11 B.C till 4 B.C. So he would have been governor at the time of Jesus' birth at approximately 5. B.C.

The Crucifixion - There are some skeptics who deny crucifixion was used as a form of punishment. Some buy into it, but believe the story of the Bible was blown out of proportion, ie using rope rather than nails. Archaeology has answered those skeptics. Discovered in  tomb near Jerusalem was a 24 to 28 year old male with five inch long nail in his foot. The carbon date was A.D. 42. Remember Christ was approximately crucified in A.D. 30. In addition, the calf bones were fractured in an extreme fashion pointing to a strong, powerful strike to the leg. This supports John's Gospel account in John 19:32, "The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other."

Jesus' Ministry - A first century house in Capernaum found underneath a forth century church is believed to be the apostle Peter's. Archaeologists have discovered the pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the crippled man. Also discovered is the pool of Siloam. It is found at the ed of the 1,749 foot long tunnel of Hezekiah. There Jesus gave sight to the man born blind. There are many other archaeological finds.
Peter's Home
Pool of Siloam

Legal Hearings - The simple version is this: the hearings of Paul and Jesus as recorded in the New Testament fall into place with what we know of Roman law in first century A.D. F.F. Bruce commented on the accuracy "to the more general sphere of local colour and atmosphere. He (Luke) gets the atmosphere right every time."

I am sure there are some saying, "Fine. There's some proof for the New Testament, but what about the Old." There have been many discoveries and they are finding more. But let me offer a really cool and quick example.

Crossing the Red Sea  - In 1998 a group led by Ron Wyattwent in search of proof of the story and miracle of Moses leading the millions of Israelite slaves across the Red Sea. After that the Egyptians follow behind but the sea falls back into place drowning the Egyptians.  What did they discover? They discovered human bones plus some chariot wheels and their hubs. In 2000 another group went to search. They discovered more chariots wheels and hubs plus actual pieces of the chariots and horse bones!  Some have argued this must be from a boat crash, but there has been no wreckage found to support that theory.
Chariot Wheel and Hub


Based on this flyover alone, there is nothing that I can see that denies the unprecedented reliability of the Bible. No other book of antiquity can compare. It is a book full of truth. As time continues on we will see from archaeology as well as revelation played out, the Bible is 100% true. When looked at with a truly inquisitive mind, powerful changes occur. Lee Strobel, C.S. Lewis, and Josh McDowell, all atheists, went out to disprove the validity of the Bible came to the startling reality it cannot be disputed, but must be trusted. 

The French skeptic Voltaire said in 100 years after his time Christianity would be eliminated from the earth. 25 years after his death, his home was purchased by the Foreign Bible Society, who has printed over 200,000 Bibles! Ha!

I recently gave a friend the scenario of the testimonies of the apostles were false, and Christ wasn't God or He didn't exist or He didn't raise from the dead, why on earth would they die for their beliefs?!? It is inconceivable people would die horrific deaths for a hoax. The apostle John was dipped in boiling oil! There is no denial of these first century witnesses and converts.

There is so much more evidence out there. Check out Lee Strobel's book A Case for Christ, Josh McDowell's Evidence Demands a Verdict, or Dr. Don Bierle's book Surprised by Faith. If you have questions, ask! Eternity is nothing to be unsure about.

Remember, true Christianity, that is true faith, must be accompanied by repentance. I often hear people say "I am a Christian" only to live the life of a heathen. This cannot be. Christ loved unconditionally, but He also told converted sinners, "go, and sin no more." James said "Faith without works is dead."

So admit you are a sinner in need of savior. You have a unpayable debt which condemns you to hell. But because of God's love for you He provided a substitute for your punishment, That substitute is Christ. Believe in Christ. Believe He is God. He died for your sins. He rose again. He is coming back. Repent (turn away from sin).

I will be upfront. This decision will separate you from this world. You may experience hatred and separation, but is it not worth suffering now in order to celebrate for eternity?


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