Can Christians Be MEGA SURE of God's Existence? Part 1
Why is there something rather than nothing? Have you ever considered this question? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why are we here? Why is the earth here? Why is the universe here? Why is there something rather than nothing. Every world view has to answer these questions. Not just the Christian. Not just the theist, but the pantheist, the polytheist, the agnostic, and the atheist. We all must try to determine why there is something rather than nothing. Once one gives an answer, they need to answer one more question: is my conclusion the most reasonable answer. Atheist philosopher Bertrand Russell who said that “The universe is just there, and that's all." In other words, it just exists. It always had. It’s a brute fact. Is this reasonable? As Christians we would say “God” is the answer. But is that the most reasonable answer. Some would say, it doesn’t matter. It’s a matter of faith. But I ask you, is such a blind faith badge of honor for us as Christians? The...
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