
Showing posts from November, 2015

Is Jesus the Archangel Michael?

In week one, we looked at the Jehovah's Witnesses' claim that  Jesus was the "created one ." Last week we carefully examined their claim that Jesus was "lesser than the father."  So far both claims have fallen flat. This week we wrap up our examination of JW's beliefs. This week we'll look at the JW's claim that Jesus is actually the Archangel Michael. Let's see how this claim holds up. The WS teaches that Jesus was and is the archangel Michael. Jesus ceased to be Michael when He was born as a human. After Jesus died, He was raised up as Michael the archangel again. [1] The WS states, “Jesus Christ, whom we understand from the Scriptures to be Michael the archangel.” [2] JWs teach Michael was the first “spirit-son” of God. He was created by God. God created other spirit-sons through Michael. The WS write, “However, by virtue of his being the sole direct creation of his Father, the firstborn Son was unique, different from all others of ...