Is Hell Fair, Part 2
Are There Any "Good" People? The second issue raised is how could a loving God send "good" people to hell? The nature of this question is troublesome because it is subjective in its understanding and in its measurement. How would someone measure and record their good and bad deeds? It is impossible. Would such a recording, if possible, be subject to bias for at least a 51% ratio of good to bad? It is highly unlikely someone would willingly put forth a case to condemn oneself to eternal punishment. This problem is minor in comparison to the subjective nature man would judge goodness. One must ask, “What is good? What is bad?” Without an objective guide, cultures and individuals will determine good or bad. What this does is put an individual like Osama Bin Laden and his actions behind September 11th in comparison to the child who steals a piece of gum or Hitler’s attempted genocide of the Jews. Some would say “Bin Laden is bad compared to me, but he’s got a few mor...